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INI File | 1995-11-21 | 7.6 KB | 300 lines |
- ; Aztech 10 Pack CD for the World collection
- ; Install Script for 1st Design
- ;-------- the title for the dialog box
- [dialog]
- caption = "GST 1st Design Installation"
- name = "GST 1st Design"
- ;-------- the names of the default destination directories
- [data]
- defdir = c:\design
- groups = 6
- [share]
- NeedShare = false
- ;-------- the pseudo-disks for the source files
- ;
- ; n = path, volume-label, "caption for dialog"
- [disks]
- 1 =.\uk\desprog, g0120001.fde, "1st Design Disk 1"
- k =.\uk\sysdlls, g0120001.fde, "1st Design Disk 1"
- p =.\uk\clipart1,g0020002.fde, "1st Design Disk 2"
- q =.\uk\clipart2,g0020002.fde, "1st Design Disk 2"
- r =.\uk\clipart3,g0020002.fde, "1st Design Disk 2"
- s =.\uk\clipart4,g0120001.fde, "1st Design Disk 1"
- a =.\uk\samples, g0120001.fde, "1st Design Disk 1"
- b =.\uk\tutorial,g0120001.fde, "1st Design Disk 1"
- f =.\uk\fonts, g0020003.fde, "1st Design Disk 3"
- 2 =.\uk\
- ;-------- the amount of diskspace required
- ; on a category-by-category basis, in Kbytes
- ;
- ; eventually, we may put category names here
- ;
- [needed.space]
- 0 = 1400 ; program
- 1 = 1100 ; business clipart
- 2 = 2150 ; other clipart
- 3 = 600 ; samples
- 4 = 770 ; plain fonts
- 5 = 1230 ; fancy fonts
- [group.names]
- 0 = "1st Design"
- 1 = "Business clipart"
- 2 = "Other clipart"
- 3 = "Samples and Tutorial"
- 4 = "Plain Fonts"
- 5 = "Fancy Fonts"
- ;-------- the sections of the program
- ;
- ; each line consists of #groupname, category, destination
- ;
- ; Destination pseudo-disks:
- ;
- ; 0: means the default program directory
- ; &: means the windows directory
- [app.copy.appstuff]
- ;----------------------------------------------------- from disk 1
- #app.main, 0, 0:
- #app.libs, 0, 0:libs
- #app.windows, 0, &:
- #app.system, 0, &:system
- #app.samples, 3, 0:samples
- #app.tutorial, 3, 0:tutorial
- #clipart.computr1, 1, 0:clipart\computr1
- #clipart.computr2, 1, 0:clipart\computr2
- #clipart.figures, 2, 0:clipart\figures
- #clipart.vehicles, 1, 0:clipart\vehicles
- #clipart.garden, 2, 0:clipart\garden
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- #write.files, 0, 0:
- ;--------------------------------------------------------
- #clipart.farm, 2, 0:clipart\animals\farm
- #clipart.pet, 2, 0:clipart\animals\pet
- #clipart.wild, 2, 0:clipart\animals\wild
- #clipart.zoo, 2, 0:clipart\animals\zoo
- #clipart.catering, 2, 0:clipart\catering
- #clipart.europe, 2, 0:clipart\europe
- #clipart.freemain, 1, 0:clipart\office\freehand
- #clipart.freearow, 1, 0:clipart\office\freehand\arrows
- #clipart.freepoin, 1, 0:clipart\office\freehand\pointers
- #clipart.grafmain, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic
- #clipart.grafarow, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic\arrows
- #clipart.grafphon, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic\phones
- #clipart.grafpoin, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic\pointers
- #clipart.grafstar, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic\stars
- #clipart.sports, 2, 0:clipart\sports
- #clipart.holiday, 2, 0:clipart\holiday
- #clipart.party, 2, 0:clipart\party
- #clipart.people, 2, 0:clipart\people
- #clipart.flags, 2, 0:clipart\flags
- #clipart.borders, 2, 0:clipart\borders
- #clipart.decorat, 2, 0:clipart\decorat
- #clipart.grafscis, 1, 0:clipart\office\classic\scissors
- ;-------------------------------------------------------- from disk 3
- #fonts.plain, 4, &:system
- #fonts.fancy, 5, &:system
- ;------------- the groups of files to be copied -----------------
- [app.main]
- 1:1stdesuk.wri, "Readme file"
- 1:design.hlp, "help file"
- 1:design.exe, "main program"
- 1:des1rsc.dll, "resource file"
- 1:dwkf_atm.dll, "font handling libraries"
- 1:dwkf_tt.dll
- 1:dwkf_gst.dll
- 1:gstctrls.dll
- 1:toolbar.ini
- 1:colour.tem, "templates"
- 1:216col.tem
- [app.libs]
- 1:artibmp.dll, "import/export libraries"
- 1:articgm.dll
- 1:artigem.dll
- 1:artigif.dll
- 1:artiimg.dll
- 1:artipcx.dll
- 1:artitiff.dll
- 1:artiwmf.dll
- 1:artiwtx.dll
- 1:des_ps.pre, "PostScript preambles"
- [app.windows]
- 1:design.ini, "ini files"
- 1:fntalias.ini
- [app.system]
- k:commdlg.dll, "commdlg.dll"
- k:composit.dll, "other dlls"
- k:shell.dll,
- k:dib.drv
- [app.samples]
- a:chart.art, "Sample Pictures"
- a:cover.art
- a:flier.art
- a:hpaper.art
- a:invite.art
- a:logos.art
- a:magazine.art
- a:map.art
- a:poster.art
- a:sailspec.art
- a:school.art
- a:slide.art
- [write.files]
- 2:ukdesman.wri, "Readme Files"
- 2:upgrade.wri
- [app.tutorial]
- b:tutor1.art, "Tutorial Files"
- b:tutor2.art
- b:tutor3.art
- b:sail.bmp
- [fonts.plain]
- f:gstcourm.tt_, "Courier"
- f:gstcouit.tt_
- f:gstcoubd.tt_
- f:gstcoubi.tt_
- f:gstsanrm.tt_, "Sans"
- f:gstsanit.tt_
- f:gstsanbd.tt_
- f:gstsanbi.tt_
- f:gstsrfrm.tt_, "Serif"
- f:gstsrfit.tt_
- f:gstsrfbd.tt_
- f:gstsrfbi.tt_
- [fonts.fancy]
- f:gstafrrm.tt_, "Africa"
- f:gstablrm.tt_, "Arnold Bocklin"
- f:gstatmrm.tt_, "Autumn"
- f:gstbrwit.tt_, "Brushwood"
- f:gstcambd.tt_, "Cambridge"
- f:gstcndit.tt_, "Candy"
- f:gstconit.tt_, "Concerto"
- f:gstcpbbd.tt_, "Copper Black"
- f:gstcbobd.tt_, "Copper Outline"
- f:gstdiarm.tt_, "Diamond"
- f:gstdrlrm.tt_, "Drury Lane"
- f:gsthiprm.tt_, "Hippo"
- f:gsthrlrm.tt_, "Herald"
- f:gstjesrm.tt_, "Jester"
- f:gstsgerm.tt_, "Sage"
- f:gsttigrm.tt_, "Tiger"
- f:gsttigcn.tt_, "Tiger ExtraCondensed"
- [clipart.zoo]
- p:anizoo.___, "clipart - animals (zoo)"
- [clipart.pet]
- p:anipets.___, "clipart - animals (pets)"
- [clipart.wild]
- p:aniwild.___, "clipart - animals (wild)"
- [clipart.farm]
- p:anifarm.___, "clipart - animals (farm)"
- [clipart.catering]
- p:catering.___, "clipart - catering"
- [clipart.europe]
- p:europe.___, "clipart - europe"
- [clipart.freemain]
- p:freemain.___, "clipart - freehand office"
- [clipart.freearow]
- p:freearow.___
- [clipart.freepoin]
- p:freepoin.___
- [clipart.grafmain]
- p:grafmain.___, "clipart - classic office"
- [clipart.grafarow]
- p:grafarow.___
- [clipart.grafphon]
- p:grafphon.___
- [clipart.grafpoin]
- p:grafpoin.___
- [clipart.grafscis]
- r:grafscis.___, "clipart - classic office (scissors)"
- [clipart.grafstar]
- p:grafstar.___
- [clipart.holiday]
- q:holiday.___, "clipart - holiday"
- [clipart.party]
- q:party.___, "clipart - party"
- [clipart.people]
- q:people.___, "clipart - people"
- [clipart.sports]
- p:sports.___, "clipart - sports"
- [clipart.borders]
- r:borders.___, "clipart - borders"
- [clipart.decorat]
- r:bord2.___, "clipart - art deco"
- [clipart.computr1]
- s:computer.___, "clipart - computers (b/w)"
- [clipart.computr2]
- s:comput2.___, "clipart - computers (col)"
- [clipart.figures]
- s:figures.___, "clipart - figures"
- [clipart.vehicles]
- s:vehicles.___, "clipart - vehicles"
- [clipart.garden]
- s:garden.___, "clipart - garden"
- [clipart.flags]
- r:flags.___, "clipart - flags"
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------
- ;----- the list of groups to be created
- [progman.groups]
- ;----- the icons to create in the group
- [GST]
- 0, "1st Design", 0:Design.exe
- 0, "1st Design Read Me", 0:1stdesuk.wri, write.exe
- 0, "1st Design Manual", 0:ukdesman.wri, write.exe
- 0, "Upgrade Information", 0:upgrade.wri, write.exe
- [backup]
- ini=design